Mail Order Nursery of Exotic & Unusual Plants - Operated by Malesiana Tropicals Sdn Bhd (467897-D)
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N. stenophylla (Bareo)
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Product Code: NE-8
Product Code: NE-8
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Description: A highland species endemic to northern Borneo where it occurs in submontane heath and kerangas forest. The vigorous climbing vines of this species sometimes form a thick canopy over shrubs and small trees. The young leaves and pitchers of N. stenophylla are densely covered with brown hairs giving them a fuzzy appearance. This species is sometimes confused with N. fusca, but it may be readily distinguished by its circular lid shape.
Cultivation recommendations: Can be relatively fast-growing but requires cool temperatures and prefers a very well-lit position.See also: How to Grow Nepenthes
In Stock: 50