Mail Order Nursery of Exotic & Unusual Plants - Operated by Malesiana Tropicals Sdn Bhd (467897-D)
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N. albomarginata (Cameron Highlands)
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Product Code: NE-2E
Product Code: NE-2E
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Description: A common lowland species found in Sumatera, Borneo, and Peninsular Malaysia, often occuring in coastal or rocky hill habitats. The lime-green or purple-spotted pitchers are slender with a characteristic white band beneath the peristome. Some varieties exhibit darker coloration with pitchers and/or leaves being entirely flushed with purple or red.
Cultivation recommendations: A warm grower preferring well-lit conditions. Keep trimmed back to promote best pitchering. Does not tolerate over-wet soil. See also: How to Grow Nepenthes
In Stock: 2